I would be interested in joining a future reading club session. Thanks for the informative writeup and pre-testing the format.

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I come with a less technical background than most but I am iintereste din teh dicscussions and would like to join future reading club sessions.

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The participants have all sorts of backgrounds! It would be fantastic to have you in the group, Francesca! I need your email so I can add you to the mailing list. I can't find you as a subscriber of the newsletter. You can sign up or send me a private message.

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Interesting! But why were there many nulls in 2012? A possible solution can also be to ignore a country altogether if its data is not complete for all years.

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I suspect it's because, for some countries, it takes longer to gather the data. If you look at the second example, you realize that this can also be a problem! If there are more null values in countries that have a particularly low or how consumption, your results will be impacted.

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