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Thanks so much for sharing this conversation, loved it. I first began really thinking about this when employed in an outreach/engagement role for two physics research centres (quantum info science and photonics). So many delicious pathways to explore there.

I value the unrealised potential locked up in future simulation visualisations for exploring possible futures and as a research/development/innovation tool for the people shaping our futures. I think it could speed up human evolution. Visualisations help us make connections, gain insight, see things we didn't see before, and sometimes take intuitive leaps that land us somewhere new and worthwhile. And faster than reading a 1000 papers (or does this depend on your learning style?). Thinking back to another post here about over-valuing papers in academia and the distortion in the system as a result....

For example, Rosling's wonderful work with visualisation... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbkSRLYSojo What could happen if we went further and offered simulation visualisation rules/options/ways of conceiving possible outcomes and accompanying learning resources that could be applied for workshopping, whether global or local, for governments, policy writers, others.......

Also, I'm one of those people that always wishes I could click somewhere to read the underlying assumptions/representation choices the visualiser has made because by understanding those we can choose alternatives if there is something that is not quite working for us yet, but could with a little tweak here or there to further our thinking.......

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